New strategies additionΒΆ

An AL query strategy should be designed as a function that:
  1. Receives 3 positional arguments and additional strategy kwargs:

  • model of inherited class TransformersBaseWrapper or PytorchEncoderWrapper or FlairModelWrapper: model wrapper;

  • X_pool of class Dataset or TransformersDataset: dataset with the unlabeled instances;

  • n_instances of class int: number of instances to query;

  • kwargs: additional strategy-specific arguments.

  1. Outputs 3 objects in the following order:

  • query_idx of class array-like: array with the indices of the queried instances;

  • query of class Dataset or TransformersDataset: dataset with the queried instances;

  • uncertainty_estimates of class np.ndarray: uncertainty estimates of the instances from X_pool. The higher the value - the more uncertain the model is in the instance.

The function with the strategy should be named the same as the file where it is placed (e.g. function def my_strategy inside a file path_to_strategy/ Use your strategy, setting al.strategy=PATH_TO_FILE_YOUR_STRATEGY in the experiment config.

The example is presented in examples/benchmark_custom_strategy.ipynb